Doula and Breastfeeding Resources
Below I have made a selection of my favourite books and websites on breastfeeding and the postnatal period. They provide invaluable information to new mothers and families. I love to share these resources with you as they can help you prepare during pregnancy and discover the path that feels right to you.
I own at least one copy of the books listed below, and am happy to lend them out to mothers I work with in my role as their postnatal doula or breastfeeding counsellor.
I ask for a £5 deposit - refunded upon return - and a £1 lending fee.
Many of these books are also available to buy from lllgb.books.



• Sweet Sleep, D. Wiessinger, D. West, L. Smith, T. Pitman, Pinter&Martin, 2014
• Sleeping with Your Baby, James J McKenna, Platypus Media, 2009
• Nighttime Parenting, William Sears, Plume, 1999
Siblings: older babies and toddlers

• Adventures in Tandem Nursing, Hilary Flower, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2019
• Why Starting Solids Matters, Amy Brown, Pinter&Martin, 2017
• Baby Led Weaning Cookbook, Gill Rapley, Tracey Murkett, Vermilion, 2010
• Happy Parents, Happy Siblings, Laura Markham, Vermilion, 2015
• Sign with your Baby, Jane Jarvis, Hodder Education, 2008

Relationships and Communication
• Adventures in Gentle Discipline, Hilary Flower, La Leche League Intl., 2005
• How to Talk so Kids Will Listen, Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish, Piccadilly Press, 2012
• Raising Children Compassionately, Marshall B. Rosenberg, Puddle Dancer Press, 2004
• NVC, Marshall B. Rosenberg, Puddle Dancer Press, 2015